Ege Bölgesi Portalı ve Elektronik Ticaret Sistemi

Proje AdıEge Bölgesi Portalı ve Elektronik Ticaret Sistemi
KurumEge Ekonomiyi Geliştirme Vakfı
FonlayıcıKamu Kaynakları
Consultancy and partnership in development of technology supported regional development, including transition from a regional portal to an electronic marketplace. Training of SMEs on e-commerce. The software is developed in C++, PHP and Oracle.

Type of services provided : Analysis, design, development, test, deployment, training, maintenance and support. Training of SMEs is also being conducted as a WB supported project.
Sözleşme Başlangıç Tarihi1.04.2001
Sözleşme Bitiş Tarihi30.07.2001
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